Online markets in Japan
Japan is one of the leading economic powers and ranks fourth in the world - after the USA and China and ahead of Germany. Thanks to its advanced IT infrastructure, the country is an ideal location for companies that are active in e-commerce and want to conquer the Japanese market. According to data from Statista, there are around 116 million internet users in Japan. 49% of Japanese people use the internet to purchase goods and services online. This makes Japan one of the countries with the highest Internet penetration rate. The country's advanced IT infrastructure is responsible for this.
Facts about e-commerce in Japan
Payment methods
The most popular payment methods in Japan for online shopping are credit cards, bank transfers and mobile wallets. One payment method is Konbini payments, which allows customers to pay for their online orders at convenience stores such as 7-Eleven, FamilyMart and Lawson. This is popular with people who do not want to or cannot use credit cards.
Risk-averse consumption
Japanese consumers are considered to be more risk-averse than in other parts of the world. They rely heavily on reviews and product recommendations from like-minded people before making purchasing decisions.
According to an article on GTAI, senior citizens aged 65 and over are the most affluent consumer group in Japan. They have accumulated large savings that they can draw on for purchases. The so-called "silver market", which makes up 29% of the population (as at the end of 2021), will continue to grow in the coming years.
Sales & purchasing power
Japan is the third largest economy, but its purchasing power is not as high as you might think. In 2022, it was 48,800 US dollars per person. By comparison, the figure in Germany is USD 63,009.
E-commerce-websites in Japan

According to Statista, the top-selling online stores in Japan in 2021 include Amazon in first place (€ 10,997 million), Apple in second place (€ 3,616 million) and Yodobashi in third place (€ 2,778 million). The latter is a Japanese retail chain that mainly sells electronic products.
The Japanese e-commerce market is experiencing steady growth. The e-commerce industry is driven by factors such as high internet penetration, wide product selection and fast deliveries due to the small size of the country, which also contribute to the growth of the e-commerce market in Japan. And the Japanese e-commerce market is expected to continue to grow.
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