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Amazon & e-commerce in Italy


E-commerce in Italy has seen a significant upswing in recent years. Italian consumers are increasingly embracing digital services and the market is becoming more sophisticated. The majority of Italians are convinced of the benefits of e-commerce and like to buy online often.

Short Facts

Payment methods

The most common way to pay is by credit card.

E-commerce Turnover

Amazon is the largest online platform in Italy, with an annual turnover of more than 5 billion Euros. 


Consumers aged 25 - 45 represent the largest group of buyers.


The e-commerce industry expects an annual increase of 10% until 2027.

E-Commerce in Italien

The largest e-commerce platforms are Amazon, Shein, eBay, Subito, Zalando followed by ManoMano.

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In Italy, e-commerce is slowly but steadily gaining popularity. Despite the financial crisis that has affected southern European countries, the Italian e-commerce market has performed well. In addition, the Italian government has decided to invest in modernizing the country's digital infrastructure.

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