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Amazon & e-commerce in Mexico


The e-commerce market is already well established in Mexico: Almost three quarters of Internet users buy online. The trend is pointing steeply upward. The strong growth of the market and the high demand, especially for foreign products, justify a closer look. Mexico is the 15th largest market for e-commerce, ahead of Spain. In fact, German companies can benefit from a good reputation in Mexico and Latin America.

Short Facts

Payment methods

The most common payment methods for e-commerce in Mexico are credit and debit cards and Paypal.


E-commerce net sales were approximately US$12 billion in 2021.


The largest customer segment is between 35 and 44 years old and represents the middle class.

Shopping behavior

34% of e-commerce purchases are made via mobile devices.

E-commerce in Mexico

The biggest player in the Mexican e-commerce market is amazon followed by walmart, coppel and Mercado Libre, which cooperates with eBay.

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Mexico is of interest as a gateway to other markets in Central and South America due precisely to its geographic location. Given the size of the e-commerce market and its very dynamic development in recent years, Mexico can be extremely attractive for suppliers active in the USA.


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